8 June 2016 – As a travel magazine app, TRVL has been a resounding success in recent years. But now it makes a rigorous pivot: TRVL becomes a platform with which everyone can act as a travel agent. ‘The traditional publishing model, also online, via iPad magazines or apps, is on its last legs.’
What is TRVL?
What it was: an app that as a travel magazine for iPad from 2010 millions of downloads and high ratings scored. What it will be: a platform on which everyone can play travel agent and earns a lot of money.
That works like this: everyone can report – after the beta phase has ended – as a TRVL agent and share his tips on a particular destination, the best hotels and excursions. Using the information and travel stories that TRVL has collected in recent years, he creates a beautiful page and can compose travel for friends, acquaintances or neighbors who can use some help in planning the perfect trip.
The elements of each trip are booked via TRVL at the existing platforms, which pay affiliate fees for this. Call it a peer-to-peer travel agent, call it a social booking platform. TRVL also makes recommendations (for 500 destinations so far) to make it easy for the TRVL agent.