ClubCollect arranges the collection of contributions for clubs and takes a lot of work out of the hands of the treasurer. With My Member Software you can safely manage a membership administration on your own club website and thus save time and money. These two complementary solutions have started a collaboration by making a link between the membership administration in My Member Software and the Club Collect system. This makes it possible to easily export from our open source package My Member Software. This export can be used as an import file for ClubCollect.

With the plugin the correct collection of the contribution with the right members is very easy. The ClubCollect system can read in the member data and from that moment on it is a matter of waiting until the money is in your account. The rest is fully automated: sending the invoices (via email, SMS and / or mail), collecting, remembering and processing the payments. It is even possible to pay the invoice in installments and ClubCollect will pay the spread payments to the association.

Already more than 300 clubs use ClubCollect, including the Employees Association of IKEA and Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers. The Club Collect plugin can now be downloaded (free of charge) and works on your own website.